And another late night writing adventure. I was going to be hitting the road in the late evening, so the plan was to write in the early evening. That didn’t happen. I only got around to transcribing a journal entry I’d written in my paper notebook. That, obviously didn’t count. So, after I got to my destination after a 2 ½ hour drive, I took out ye olde Chromebook and put fingers to keys, keystrokes to word processor.
Today’s output: 1895 words. That brings me to 55813 words total . Average words per day: 1993.
What helped today:
Feeling better by late afternoon. I woke up feeling pretty awful.
What I discovered today:
More like rediscovered more of my passion for writing and art-making.
What else was good:
Great podcast listening while driving up the road. Inspirational. Not all spiritual, but inspirational just the same.