The plan was to work on one of my other works in progress currently in need of words. I keep notes and printed copies of all the essays comprising that project in a binder. I was flipping through those notes and all the many questions I asked of each essay, when I got the idea of writing about my first times ever being on stage. I’d written around those times in Intro to Theatre in a couple of the other essays I wrote this month, so I figured it might be a good idea to write directly about them. And so I did. I’ll be continuing tomorrow as I didn’t get as far into the story as I wanted to before I needed to quit so I could get some sleep.
Today’s output: 1401 words. That brings me to 52358 words total . Average words per day: 2013. That’s it. And the totals from the spreadsheet didn’t match either the NaNoWriMo site or my own calculations. This page does contain the most accurate count, which I’ve taken from the spreadsheet.
What helped today:
Yesterday’s writing.
What I discovered today:
Didn’t discover how much I loved acting by writing about it. I just remembered it.
What else was good:
Sleeping late again.