Wrote late, again. I made an honest effort to write earlier, but I ended up having to make some trips around town and then rest some before I could even try to sit down and bang some words out. But, bang I did.
Today’s output: 2287 words. That brings me to 44161 words total. Average words per day: 2102. 5839 words to go. Average words per day needed to reach 50000: 648. I might be done by the end of the work week. Not that I’m going to stop writing that day. I do plan to continue writing through November 30, even if I’m not working on this specific project.
What helped today:
Somehow getting a burst of energy from sitting down here at my Chromebook and working. That, and I was working on a continuation of the essay from Day 20. I didn’t have to think about where to start. That’s often a tough thing.
What I discovered today:
I started hiding very young.
What else was good:
My morning reading was good, as was my journaling. And I ended up listening to a really good spiritual lesson on podcast while driving. It helped immensely with keeping my mood up and in some ways, helped to set the stage for this evening’s writing.