First, thank you to everybody who liked my Day 17 post. I appreciate it.
Today’s output: 0 words. I remain at 36778 words total. Average words per day: 2043.
I woke up in the afternoon after being up most of the night writing. Most of these NaNoWriMo posts have gone out hours after I actually write them. I was asleep when the Day 17 post went out. Most days, I’m working the 9-5 at the time that the post goes out. Last night, I was up until about 3:15 or so, writing. I went and got some food, then came back and wrote the Day 17 post. I didn’t finish writing activities until just about 4:30. I didn’t get to sleep until almost 6. Didn’t wake up until about 1:30. Didn’t really get going until almost 3. The day dragged on and I watched some TV and played some Destiny. By mid-evening, I decided to just consider it a day off. Sometimes, you need to rest and that means creatively. So, I did. I might not have, had I not been so close to the overall finish line; had I not felt I might be able to do a two sessions on a couple of days to make up for the day. So, today, I just let it be. Tomorrow is another day.
What helped today:
Just deciding that I’d chill.
What I discovered today:
I feel okay with not writing. I didn’t used to on some days. I must feel good because I’m admitting that I took a day to not write.
What else was good:
Found a huge reading pillow I’m going to treat myself to at some point. When I have that, I will be more comfortable writing in the living room and not at my desk. Sometimes, I want to stretch out when writing and right now, I need to use too many regular pillows to get truly comfortable.