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NaNoWriMo 2017 – Day 13

3661 words. 23676 words total.  This session was a little under an hour and a half.  Not bad.  Especially since I started pretty late after watching TV all evening.  Maybe I just write better late at night than during the day.  This day’s session brings my average words per day to 1821.  This was the kind of day I needed.

What helped today:

Writing on my Chromebook.  It felt strange at first for some reason, but when I got the feel back for the keys and the location of the trackpad, so I wouldn’t be touching it, I got back into a nice groove.  My Chromebook is my favorite hardware for composition.  It’s the keyboard.  Also, the (re-)setup of the machine was relatively painless, compared to the two or three previous times that I’ve set this machine back up.

What I discovered today:

There are some things, related to writing and theatre here, that I needed to go back and explore.  That’s what the day’s essay ended up being about.  A hope of change for the upcoming days.  And I need to be less stubborn about some of this stuff and how I feel and what I think about it.  That’s sufficiently vague, I think.  Yeah!

What else was good:

Also helpful was a conversation I had this evening about some of my other artistic work.  Things are looking way up.  I think that good just begat more good.